Publicaciones científicas

Ensayo de campo de un suplemento nutricional en lechones durante el destete

Assessment of a new high protein – high essential fatty acid diet in dogs with chronic skin and coat disorders

Management of dermatological conditions is the main primary reason for consultation after vaccination1 .(poster DERMATO DOG SEVC 2016)

Comparative assessment of the palatability of a new renal diet in fussy canine eaters

The aim of this study was to compare the palatability of a new dry renal diet (diet A, figure 1) to that of two commercial renal diets (diets B and C) in fussy client-owned dogs, to mimic the CKD patients’ difficult appetite. (poster KIDNEY DOG Voorjaarsdagen 2017)

Weight control with a high-protein diet allows the maintenance of optimal body composition and insulin sensitivity in adult neutered dogs

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of a new high-protein low-carbohydrate diet on body composition and some hormonal parameters in dogs fed to maintain their body weight after a weight loss program. (poster WEIGHT CONTROL DOG internal 2016)

Weight loss with a high-protein diet allows the recovery of optimal body composition and improves insulin sensitivity in obese dogs

The aim of this study was to assess effects of energy restriction on body weight, body composition and some hormonal parameters in obese dogs fed a new high-protein low-carbohydrate diet. (poster WEIGHT LOSS DOG 2015)

Pet owners’ perception of insects as a protein source for cats and dogs

The objective of this study was to evaluate the perception of owners about the use of insects as a novel ingredient in new dry hypoallergenic diets for cats and dogs. (poster CAT HYPOALL OWNERS SEVC 2017)

Effect of chitosan supplementation in a dry maintenance diet on phosphorus apparent digestibility in cats.

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of chitosan included in a dry maintenance diet on phosphorus apparent digestibility in cats (Poster Chitosan CAT SEVC 2015)

Weight management in client-owned cats fed a high protein – low carbohydrate maintenance diet

The aim of this study was to assess the weight loss achieved with a high protein - low carbohydrate maintenance diet by overweight cats, which had previously failed with a weight loss programme. (poster Weight loss cat SEVC 2014)

Assessment of water intake and urine volume in cats fed a new high-protein high-sodium dry diet

The objective of this study was to evaluate water intake and urine volume in cats fed a new dry diet designed to help management of FIC, in comparison with a control dry diet. (poster URINARY WIB CAT ISFM 2017)

Effect of new high-protein dry diets on urinary parameters in cats and in vitro struvite dissolution

The aim of this study was to assess the urinary parameters and struvite crystal solubility in cats fed 3 new high-protein dry diets, in comparison to that of 2 commercial dry diets. (poster-urlogy-like in vitro struvite dissolution CAT ESVCN 2015)

Weight loss with a high-protein diet allows the recovery of optimal body composition and improves insulin sensitivity in obese cats

The aim of this study was to assess effects of energy restriction on body weight, body composition and some hormonal parameters in obese cats fed a new high-protein low-carbohydrate diet. (poster Weight Loss Cat ESVCN2016)

Comparison of the effects of four diets on urinary parameters in dogs and in vitro struvite dissolution

The objective of this study was to assess the urinary parameters and struvite stone solubility in the urine of dogs fed 2 new dry high-protein diets, in comparison with 2 commercial dry diets (Poster Urology Dog SEVC 2018)

Tolerance of a new insect protein-based diet designed for food allergies in flea bite-allergic dogs: a case series

In allergic dogs Cutaneous Adverse Food Reaction (CAFR) is a frequent condition (Poster Hypoall Insect Dog ESVD 2018)

Gastro cat: Assessment of the digestive tolerance in cats of a new diet based on insects as the protein source

This study was designed to evaluate the digestive tolerance of a new dry insect-based protein source diet in adult cats. (Poster Hypoallergy Cat Insect ISFM 2017)

Gastro cat: Assessment of a new high protein – low carbohydrate diet in cats with chronic gastrointestinal disease

The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a new dry high protein - low carbohydrate (HP-LC) diet intended for the management of chronic maldigestion-malabsorption in cats. (Poster Gastro Cat ISFM 2016)

Worming breeding stock

Parasites are a major threat to foal health and appropriate worming protocols must be implemented as part of the routine management of all broodmares and their offspring.

Pain management in horses

Pain relief is commonly administered to horses, either as short-term treatment following acute injury or as part of longer term management of chronic disease, such as osteoarthritis. By far the most commonly used products in the management of equine pain are the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Trace Minerals and Vaccination

Trace minerals have long been reported to be important for optimal immune function in livestock1.Trace minerals are essential for livestock to mount an immune response to a vaccine and thus derive protection.

Oxidative Stress : Its Impact on Transition Cows

The trace mineral levels in cattle are not static; they change throughout the production cycle depending on the demands on the animal.

Oxidative Stress : Its Effect on Cattle and the Role of Trace Minerals

Reactive Oxygen Species or Free Radicals are constantly formed during normal aerobic cellular metabolism. Free radicals are unstable and highly reactive oxidants that can remove an electron from another compound leaving it oxidised.

Oxidative Stress : Its Effect on Calves and Weanlings

It has been well documented that the new born calf’s mineral status and antioxidant capacity is highly correlated with the maternal source. Significant mineral transfer in the last trimester leads to liver levels which are typically higher than the dam’s levels at birth.

Canine Castration: Is There More Than One Way To Crack A Nut?

Along with positive socialisation, training and appropriate nutrition, castration is often considered a key component of responsible dog ownership. As well as preventing accidental mating, castration can be beneficial in preventing specific testosterone related disease and can help in the management of some behavioural issues.

¿Qué importancia tiene un limpiador de oídos en el tratamiento a corto y largo plazo de la otitis externa en perros?

La otitis externa es una enfermedad muy común en los perros, pero puede ser difícil de tratar, con éxito, en la clínica. Una vez que se ha examinado al paciente y se ha establecido un diagnóstico, la elección del tratamiento prescrito será la clave del éxito en el tratamiento de la otitis externa.

Profundizando en la Otitis Externa Crónica

La otitis externa (OE) en perros es una presentación común en la práctica de pequeños animales, pero mientras que la mayoría de los casos de OE aguda y temprana responderán bien al tratamiento sintomático, la OE crónica o recurrente puede presentar un desafío clínico frustrante.

Which Topical Antimicrobials Should Be Considered for Otitis Externa?

In light of the current focus on antimicrobial resistance, how does this affect our approach to the treatment of Otitis externa?

What Can Pet Owners Do at Home to Contribute to the Successful Management of Skin Disease?

Vets are very fortunate to have some outstanding medicines to treat the aetiology and clinical signs of atopy, giving both the pet and the owner relief from the angst of allergic skin disease. However, it is easy to overlook the value of topical therapies and simple environmental management routines, which can play an important role in managing the condition whilst also helping to cultivate client relationships.

¿Por qué debería utilizar Virbagen Omega en perros con parvovirus?

Los brotes de parvovirus son habituales en el Reino Unido, con focos que se producen con mayor frecuencia en determinadas zonas del país, como Gales y el noroeste. Los brotes en una zona pueden ser devastadores tanto para los propietarios como para las clínicas, y el tratamiento es costoso y difícil. Sin embargo, la aplicación rápida de un tratamiento intensivo puede mejorar el pronóstico.

Considering the Epidermal Barrier in the Management of Dermatology Cases

The skin is the largest and one of the most important organs of the body. It helps to support the internal environment, maintaining hydration through regulation of trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL) and playing a part in thermoregulation.

Travelling Dogs Going to Sunnier Climes? Skin Lesions? Don’t Forget Leishmania!

With soaring numbers of animals crossing the channel every year, as well as rescue dogs from abroad and owners moving to this country, UK vets are confronted with diseases that were very rarely identified before the PETS scheme made travelling beloved pets to EU countries much easier.

¿Picores en el gato? ¿Qué se puede hacer?

El trabajo del "síndrome del gato con picor" puede ser una tarea laboriosa sin garantías de identificar la causa del prurito, lo que puede resultar frustrante tanto para el veterinario como para el propietario.

Las dietas de apoyo a la hipoalergia y a la dermatología no son lo mismo

Las dietas clínicas desempeñan un papel importante en el manejo de las enfermedades de la piel y pueden ser un componente fundamental del plan de tratamiento. Sin embargo, la selección de la dieta adecuada es clave para lograr los mejores resultados, dado que estas dietas son diferentes en cuanto a su uso previsto y sus características nutricionales.

Do Sugars Have Any Role in Dermatology Today?

Sugars, or carbohydrates, are the most abundant class of organic compounds found in living organisms. There are two major subfamilies; the simple sugars (monosaccharides) and the complex sugars (oligosaccharides composed of 2-10 monosaccharides and polysaccharides composed of more than 10 monosaccharides).

Do Shampoos Provide Any Real Benefit in the Management of Skin Disease?

El control del entorno doméstico contribuye al éxito del tratamiento de las enfermedades de la piel

En esta época tenemos la suerte de contar con muchos fármacos para tratar la causa y los síntomas de la dermatitis alérgica, lo que hace que a menudo los tratamientos tópicos y las sencillas rutinas de gestión ambiental no se comenten con los propietarios de las mascotas.

Can Proteins Help Improve Skin and Coat Condition?

Nutrition has implications in all aspects of skin metabolism including cell renewal, healing of wounds, immune reactions and combating chronic inflammation.

Antimicrobial Peptides: The What, The How and The Why

Antimicrobial resistance is a hot topic in both human and veterinary medicine, with concerns flagged that inappropriate use of antibiotics may have contributed to an increase in bacterial resistance worldwide.

Salud Dental Canina

La enfermedad dental es una condición muy común que afecta a los perros, con una estimación del 80% de los perros que desarrollan la enfermedad periodontal en el momento en que tienen tres años de edad1,2.

Addressing Dental Care At Home - A Combined Approach

It is important to show pet owners that dental care can be approached in a multitude of ways and alongside regular dental health checks in clinic, owners can utilise easy to use home care products which help to keep plaque and tartar at bay.

Gastro cat: Assessment of a New High Protein - Low Carbohydrate - High Fat Diet in Cats with Chronic Gastrointestinal Disease Vol. 1 No. 1: 4

Dietary therapy is a major component in the management of most gastrointestinal disorders. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a new dry high protein – low carbohydrate – high fat diet intended for the management of chronic maldigestion-malabsorption in cats. Forty-seven client-owned cats with chronic gastrointestinal diseases were recruited. During the first month (M1) of follow-up, they were fed exclusively the test diet (Virbac VETERINARY® HPM Digestive Support Cat). During the second month (M2), they were fed again their usual dry diet. If medical treatment became necessary during the study, the cat was excluded. To describe the clinical status, the 5 following digestive parameters were assessed 6 times, at inclusion, then each week of M1, and finally at the end of M2: frequency of defecation, faeces quantity, faecal score, faeces odour, and frequency of flatulence. Forty-four cats completed the study. The test diet resulted in significant improvement in all parameters. After 1 month fed the test diet, 72% of cats were completely cured (all parameters normal), 26% were partially improved, and only 2% were unchanged. At the end of M2, 61% of cats had minimum 1 parameter degraded again. These results confirm the clinical efficacy of the new highly digestible high protein – low carbohydrate – high fat diet for chronic gastrointestinal disease management and recurrence prevention in cats