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Ensayo de campo de un suplemento nutricional en lechones durante el destete
Trace Minerals and Vaccination
Trace minerals have long been reported to be important for optimal immune function in livestock1.Trace minerals are essential for livestock to mount an immune response to a vaccine and thus derive protection.
Oxidative Stress : Its Impact on Transition Cows
The trace mineral levels in cattle are not static; they change throughout the production cycle depending on the demands on the animal.
Oxidative Stress : Its Effect on Calves and Weanlings
It has been well documented that the new born calf’s mineral status and antioxidant capacity is highly correlated with the maternal source. Significant mineral transfer in the last trimester leads to liver levels which are typically higher than the dam’s levels at birth.
Oxidative Stress : Its Effect on Cattle and the Role of Trace Minerals
Reactive Oxygen Species or Free Radicals are constantly formed during normal aerobic cellular metabolism. Free radicals are unstable and highly reactive oxidants that can remove an electron from another compound leaving it oxidised.
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