Excessive bodyweight (BW) is the most common nutritional condition in pets: 33.8 to 38.9% of dogs are overweight, and 5 to 20.4% are obese.1-3
Specific weight loss diets, formulated on a low energy - high fibre concept, are frequently poorly palatable and often perceived as too burdensome
by pet owners.4 So there is a need for non restrictive palatable diets which could assist pets to gradually lose weight.
Animals, materials and methods
80% of dogs lost weight and 65% had a visibly slimmed silhouette. The mean weight loss was 0.82% per week. Rationing was not too strict as 84% of owners estimated that their dog’s appetite was correctly satisfied during weight loss: 90% of dogs appreciated the tested diet, according to their owners and 80% of pet owners were ready to buy this diet, and 82% would recommend it to friends.
Chaixa, C. Navarroa, S. Fournela, I. Lericheb
a Virbac Medical and R&D Department, Carros, France
b Virbac Nutrition, Vauvert, France
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